Friday, October 31, 2008

GS:Affiliate, Here's Your Chance To Win A Copy Of Atomic Blogging 3.0!

Hey Affiliate,

I always love to hear feedback from my
readers and customers. I am in the
process of creating Atomic Blogging 3.0.

To ensure that I got everything covered
in this new version. I decided to conduct
a survey to find out from you what you
really need in blogging.

There are prizes to be won for taking part
and you also stand a chance to win a copy
of the new Atomic Blogging 3.0 once it's out!

All you need to do is to fill up the
simple survey at the link below:

Alvin Phang

P.S: Thanks for your feedback :)

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

GS: Affiliate, Possibility The Most Eye Opener Article You Will Ever Read!

Hi Affiliate,

Have been a while since I drop you an email.
I just just back from a 6 day trip at Bangkok
and I just completed my driving lesson and
I just thought about this topic and thought
you may find it useful for you.

If you have program making money online
and wondering how do how do those Gurus
make those Millions online.

This article on "3 Powerful Marketing Ideas
That Will Make More Money For You"

Will be a great eye opener for you I promise :)

Read on the article at my blog link below:

Alvin Phang

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Monday, October 20, 2008

AB:Affiliate, Here's An Interview With A Millionaire Blogger!

Hi Affiliate,

It just 2 more days before I am heading
for another holiday again to beautiful
Bangkok for more shopping!

Anyway I got a great interview for you
and the person I have on the call was
Andrew Hansen.

He is the creator of FirePow a great
powerful blogging software which you
can find more details at

He made more then a Million dollars from
blogging and other internet businesses
has has been doing this for more then
4 years!

So I managed to get him and I managed
to squeeze in 34 minutes of solid content
which you can get the interview link below:

I am currently using FirePow myself and
setup two blog so far and I thought it's
a great software every blogger should have

So what I did with Andrew was only if
you click on the link below:

And enter the limited voucher code "atomic"
you can get an extra $30 off the retail

Andrew is only going to limit to the 10 sign ups
so get it while the voucher is still valid.

Enjoy the interview! I know you will!


Alvin Phang & Family

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Friday, October 17, 2008

Affiliate, Last Chance To Get $10 Off For Atomic Blogging!

Hi Affiliate,

I was checking my email and I got some bad news
to announced... the special offer that
I just email you a while ago only left with
45 copies to go.

Once it's gone I will be totally removing the
offer. So if you want to grab this only chance
to get an extra $10 head on to this special
link today to get your copy

Alvin Phang

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Affiliate, The Shocking Truth About Atomic Blogging 2.0

Hi Affiliate,

I hope you got a chance to read through
the preview copy of Atomic Blogging and
I believe you have gain something out of it.

It has been more then 2 years since I created
Atomic Blogging and now it's already in
version 2.0 updated in 2008.

I have spent well over 6 months developing the
guide book and it's designed for mainly newbies
and advanced users who wish to the learn
the following step-by-step with tutorial screen shots:

1. How To Setup A Blog
2. How To Earn Money From Blogging
3. How To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
4. How To Ranked High In Search Engines
and so much more...

I am very sure that this 130 page guide book
would benefit you a lot and I would like you
to have a copy and that is why I created a
special $10 off page just for you Affiliate.

I am limiting this to only 100 copies so once
it gone. It's gone Affiliate.

Here's the special link I created for you to
get $10 off the guide!

Here's What Others Got To Say About The Guide

"Over the last three months after purchasing
Atomic Blogging, traffic to my blog as quadrupled.

Now I am integrating more offers into the blog
to monetize it and testing methods of improving
my subscriber base. Thanks Alvin!"

Kevin Davis - USA


"Alvin's Atomic Blogging is one of THE must-have
tools if you really want to understand how to blog
effectively in a changing internet environment.

Nancy Boyd – USA

You can view much more testimonials at the link below:

I am looking forward to helping to you to setup
your profitable blog!

To Your Success!

Alvin Phang & Family

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Saturday, October 11, 2008

GS: Affiliate, Here's Another Free Blog Video Tutorial

Hi Affiliate,

I just got back from NACLI and I was
so tried that I slept from 3pm to 9pm
without releasing I skipped dinner.. haha

But anyway it was great fun as this was
my first event involved with the government
in my country...

Anyway I got great news for you if you have
trouble uploading plugins or installing
plugins on your Wordpress blog.

I have done up a video tutorial posted on my
blog at

Also I am doing a survey for Atomic Blogging 3.0
if you can help please fill up the survey at
the below link:

I am moving towards a membership site in the
new Atomic Blogging 3.0 with much added things
you guys have requested like

- Video tutorials
- More plugins
- More themes
and so much more..

The good news is that for those who already
bought Atomic Blogging or thinking of
buying now before I launch it in Feb 2009

Customers can choose to upgrade at a really
really low price that is 50% lesser then the
retail price that I going to launch.

So you like to take advantage of that, you
can get a copy of Atomic Blogging today
at the link below

Alvin Phang

P.S: I hope you find the video useful and
please fill in your comments on the blog post :)

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Monday, October 6, 2008

GS: Affiliate, Here's A Cool Plugin To Manage Your Affiliate Links On Your Blog!

Hi Affiliate,

There are only two type of affiliate marketers on
the internet. One is known as a normal marketer and
another one is known as a blogger marketer like me :)

It's no secret that 95% of all bloggers out there
make pennies from affiliate marketing, while a select
few who are privileged enough to be in the "inner circle"
make thousands of dollars effortlessly.

They know how to properly manage, track, cloak and
shorten their affiliate link so that they can achieve
most out of their affiliate marketing.

By having stats in hand and with the ability to manage
all of their links from one central location, they get
unfair advantage over every other bloggers out there.

And just recently, Pawan my great friend let me
review the power the "MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate System"

Here's Some Of The Great Features The Plugin Has:

1. Brand your blog domain while creating
professional looking short links:

2. Manage all your affiliate links in one central place

3. Track how many people are visiting your link and from where

4. Cloak your link so nobody steals your commission

And... the best part for the last. The "Keyword to
Ninja Link" feature - that means by using this plugin you can
convert any keyword in your wordpres blog to affiliate link
which will passively earn you commission forever. The active
start to your passive blog commission begins here:

If you are serious of making more money from your blog
site, I would highly recommend you get the plug! To view
the plugin in action head on to the link below to
view a video demo:

To Your Success,

Phang Alvin

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:,9

Friday, October 3, 2008

Affiliate, Meet The Guy Who Did $105,070 In Just 30 Days!

Hi Affiliate,

You should know by now, I am most of the time
involved in the blogging business.

Well I like to share with you one more secret
of mine I am actually also involved in the
Work From Home niche too...

Just recently I saw this site and I even managed
to contact the site owner at

If you're at all interested in working from
home and making huge piles of cash from the
internet then I have some exciting news for you...

You see, my good friend Matt Benwell has just
rocked the online community by releasing a powerful
automated system for making money online.

So powerful in fact that he used it to pocket
$105,070 in just 30 days a couple of months back.

And he keeps earning crazy amounts of cash while
lazing around and traveling the the world surfing.

You can check out the full story here:

Now less than a year ago Matt was over $41,500
in bad debt, just days from bankruptcy but using
his own system, he's managed to become debt free
and live the lifestyle he wants.

His story is a real rag to riches one.

Now like you, and me, Matt doesn't like to work
too hard which is why he's designed his system to
follow the four concepts below:

No Web Design: No coding or programming skills
needed as all the websites are already created
and tested by professionals.

Little Capital: Been broke he didn't want each
site costing him a lot of money so the system was
based around having just $100 budget per website
to get profits flowing.

No Waiting: He wanted quick profits within days
or maybe a couple of weeks maximum. He uses only
techniques that have proven to work fast.

Passive Income: he also didn't want to work every
day to be able to pay his bills so he had to be
able to set it up and forget about it while the
sites still made money and even grew each month.

You don't have to have had any prior experience
in computing, business and internet marketing...

Matt has paid people to do all the hard work so
you just do the easy stuff and collect the money.

Now to learn the system just click below:

Just go to the link above now.


Alvin Phang

PS. At the top of the web page there's a
free video that shows you some shocking proof
of the numbers Matt is making.

He's filmed himself counting the checks he
received one month... amazing stuff.

Just take a look:

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

GS: Affiliate, Here's 4 Great Articles For You On Blogging

Hi Affiliate,

Just last week while I was away at Batam
for 2 days I setup a 4 part series of
articles on
"Powerful Tips On Writing Blog Articles"

Lots of readers have benefited from the
articles and I thought I like to let you
know where to access them..

Here are the links to the articles:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

By the way, did I mention they are all free
for you to learn from.

Enjoy the articles.

Alvin Phang & Family

P.S: To get a more broader detail on blogging
you get my guide with a massive discount at
the link below:

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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