Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Affiliate! I Am Getting Married Tomorrow...

Hey Affiliate,

The launch of "Atomic Blogging 3.0" on
the 3rd March 2009 & my Registry of Marriage (ROM)
tomorrow has got me all busy all week!

I just like to take this chance to let you
know that I am finally getting married tomorrow!

If you have missed all the action on how
I proposed to my wife to be you can check out
the video at the blog post below:

I will be uploading videos and pictures
taken tomorrow so do remember to check out
my blog tomorrow at the link below:

To your success!

Alvin Phang

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Affiliate, Last Chance... Last 5 Left...

Hi Affiliate,

Just a quick email before I am
about to close the promotion.

Only 5 left for the free upgrade
to get the Atomic Blogging 3.0 plugin.

Head on to the special link below
to grab your copy today:

Alvin Phang

P.S: Once I get 5 orders I will be pulling down
the site so I cannot guarantee how long this
promotion will last. Act now by heading to
the link below:

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Affiliate, Only 18 Left.. Last Day Today!

Hi Affiliate,

On the 3rd Mar 2009, 10AM EST time.
I will be launching AB 3.0 and if you had
yet to view the preview of what
is to come you may view the special
video I created just for you below:

Here's the thing Affiliate, the
special promotion of the free upgrade will
be ending today and there are only
18 copies left.

If you like to a copy before the price
increases when version 3 is out head
on to the special link below:

Do note, only for current AB customers
they will be getting a HUGE 60% discount
to upgrade to the new 3.0 version as I
intend to increase the price during the

So you are smart get a copy of AB 2.0 today
at the link below:

Alvin Phang

P.S: Warning! I will be removing the page
once all 18 copies are sold!

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Monday, February 23, 2009

Affiliate, I Got A Video Message For You...

Hi Affiliate,

I just completed a special video
just for you Affiliate.

Click on the link below to
view the video:

Alvin Phang

P.S: The video requires flash to play
it or you may download the video in mp4
format at the link below:

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Friday, February 20, 2009

Affiliate, This Is Personal...

Hi Affiliate,

I like to treat you as my friend and
business partner Affiliate so I like
to take this chance to share you something
real personal of mine :)

Click on the link below to read a blog post
about my personal story and how I started
in Internet Marketing to now generating a
5 figure income online.


I hope to hear your response on your blog.

To Your Success,

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

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Sign Up As An Affiliate With Us! (It's FREE)

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Monday, February 16, 2009

Affiliate, I Like To Give You Some Real Traffic...

Hey Affiliate,

Just a quick email before I head my way to the
City to catch the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin

I started a GatherSuccess Link Love Exercise about
a month ago and already hundreds of bloggers around
the world has taken part in it to get more traffic
for their blogs.

I haven't seen yours in yet Affiliate. I was wondering
would you like to take part and it's free anyway :)

More details at the blog post below:


Also, if you have some time Affiliate, just drop
me a testimonial at the link below

And you may stand a chance to win a copy of
the New Atomic Blogging 3.0 which will be out on the
3rd March 2009 :)

Take Care Affiliate and see ya around on my blog

Alvin Phang

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Affiliate, Atomic Blogging 2.0 Offer - Only 14 Days

Hi Affiliate,

Here's the great thing if you purchase
Atomic Blogging 2.0 today. You will get
a free upgrade to get the Atomic Blogging 3.0
Plugin (Worth US$197) for free.

On top of the plugin, here are the other
things you will be getting.

- A 130 step-by-step blogging guide to teach you
how to use the system.
- 5 ready made Wordpress Themes (with built in Adsense)
- An exclusive 61 minute interview with Yaro Starak
- Atomic Blogging Keyword Research Tool Version 2.0
and so much more...


I am limiting this free upgrade only for the
first 500 customers and this promotion will
end in 14 days.

So do act fast if you want to take this
chance to get a free upgrade today :)

Head on to the website below now! Before the
offer is gone:


Alvin Phang

P.S: Atomic Blogging 3.0 will be launch on the 3rd
Mar 2009 and if you are smart and like to get great
savings today. Get your copy before the prices
increase when it launches.


20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Affiliate, Thousands Of Subscribers In Days...

Hi Affiliate,

Have you always wondered how do we get thousands
of subscribers into our mail box almost instantly?

Well here's the secret, you get them from joinging
or organizing giveaways!

And Jason James latest product will give you the
exact blueprint on how to run a successful
giveaway event!

Alvin Phang

P.S: I wish I had this before I organized my first
giveaway it's sure helps a lot :)

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

Want To Make Some Extra Cash? Why Not Promote Us?
Sign Up As An Affiliate With Us! (It's FREE)

Make Money Online With GatherSuccess

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Got A Question? Submit Your Ticket At

If you want to lose your competitive advantage
in the market place by no longer receiving these
valuable messages packed with useful tips, tricks
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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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