Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Affiliate, The Lazy Way To Blogging To Riches...

Hi Affiliate,

As a marketer for more then 3 years I know
for a fact that time is important to us.

Especially so if you are working and do not
really have much time to work on your
Internet business.

Well I got good news for you, if you are lazy
just like me you want to check out the
website below:

It's called "Project Green Button" which
consist of everything you need to
run a successful internet business online.

It includes:
- a network of 10,000 strong blog network to get
traffic from
- site templates
- site creation
- content management
- zero to $6,000 a month training plan
and so much more...

For more just click on the link below:

Alvin Phang

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GS:Affiliate, US$350 In Prizes Up For Grabs!

Hi Affiliate,

I love to share my success with everyone
but I thought this time round I would like
to share your success with everyone and at
the same time learn from someone else for
a chance :)

So I decided to setup a new contest called
"The Atomic Blogging 30 Days Challenge"

The challenge will last for 30 days which
will start on 30th April and end on the
30th May 2009.

In this challenge the top 3 person who
made the most amount of profits within
the 30 days will stand a chance to win
great prizes

More details on how to join @ my blog
post at the link below:

Alvin Phang

P.S: It's free to join and there's isnt
any catch to it, just pure fun in sharing
after all my blog is called "Gather Success"

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Affiliate, Get WordPress Videos With PLR! Limited 50 First Only!

Hi Affiliate,

In case you didn't know, a lot of smart marketers are cashing in on
the WordPress trend by selling "screen capture" video tutorials. No
doubt, it's great if you can spend all your time and money creating
and updating these videos, but there's a smarter way - get Private
Label videos!

But there's one serious problem with PLR videos - most of the
people selling them are peddling absolute junk, hoping to make a
quick buck before the videos themselves become obsolete!

The truth is, WordPress or blogging videos can become obsolete VERY
quickly. If you're buying outdated stuff, there's absolutely no
chance you can sell them without having a group of angry customers
banging at your door, demanding for a refund.

But there are some great places to get high-quality PLR videos,
such as the the one by my buddy Gobala Krishnan:

Gobala has been quietly making a small fortune with his WordPress
products and blogging tutorials, and he pretty much kept all the
good stuff to himself. But now, you can get PLR rights to his
private video collection, which means that you can:

1) Create a brand new standalone product and sell it
2) Create a produc with Resell Rights / Master Resell Rights
3) Create your own monthly recurring membership site
4) Start your own seminar or coaching program
5) Create viral videos and profit from affiliate programs

Plus, there are several levels of membership so you only pay for
what you need.

I strongly recommend that you take a look at Gobala's "PLR WP
Videos" site now:

Here's how you will benefit from this:

1) You get more than 30 WordPress video tutorials instantly
2) You get new videos every month, based on your request
3) Free updates of existing videos, so there's no danger of selling
obsolete stuff
4) Multiple video formats, even the source Camtasia Studio files!

I really don't have to say much for you to see the value in this,
especially if you're already trying to create your own WordPress /
blogging videos. For a low price, you can solve all your problems
and get the best value for money.

Memberships are limited because good sites like this should not be
made available to too many people. So create your membership now
and throughout this year you'll be laughing your the way to the bank.

You can thank me later!


Alvin Phang

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receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
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Thursday, April 23, 2009

GS: Affiliate, What Do You Want Me To Write?

Hi Affiliate,

I hope you are doing well it's almost coming
to the end of the week and everyone can enjoy the
weekends :)

Anyway Affiliate, I love interacting with you
so that is why I decided to do this "Topic Submission
Exercise" every month.

This would be your only chance where you can get me
to explain more details on topics you like to find
out more.

To submit your topic just head on the blog post below:

And submit your topics by commenting in the blog post.

Btw, if you wish to contribute articles. I do accept
them too all you do is to submit them at the link below:

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

Want To Make Some Extra Cash? Why Not Promote Us?
Sign Up As An Affiliate With Us! (It's FREE)

Make Money Online With GatherSuccess

Your Online Social Bookmarking Tool

Got A Question? Submit Your Ticket At

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Re: GS:Affiliate, Increase Your Sales By 40% Using This...

Hey Affiliate,

I hope you got my previous email below, if you havent
do check out this powerful script that really works
that get more traffic, more sales and leads without
any extra traffic!

Check out the video demo below:

Alvin Phang

On Wed, Apr 22, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Alvin Phang <> wrote:

Hi Affiliate,

Yup it's true! You can actually increase
your sales or traffic or even leads just by
using this powerful script called "Exit Splash"
by Dave Guindon.

Check out the demo by clicking on the link below:

This new tool was just completed, and those
who tested it have ALL seen amazing

One marketer named Mike saw an instant 325%
increase in his opt-ins.

Another made an extra $800 on the first day
of implementing it.

Yet another well-known marketer added over
20,000 subscribers to his list.

Get the details at:

This is the most powerful tool I've seen in a
long time, and you won't believe how easy it
is to add it to your site!

In a matter of minutes you can start GRABBING
"wasted" web traffic and turning it into
sales and leads!

I'm going to be implementing this incredible
tool right away, and I recommend you do the
same. Grab it here:

I do suggest getting it right now today,
because the price is about to go up by 40%.

Your results are guaranteed, so I'd day
you've got nothing to lose :-)

To your success!

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

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Sign Up As An Affiliate With Us! (It's FREE)

Make Money Online With GatherSuccess

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

GS:Affiliate, Increase Your Sales By 40% Using This...

Hi Affiliate,

Yup it's true! You can actually increase
your sales or traffic or even leads just by
using this powerful script called "Exit Splash"
by Dave Guindon.

Check out the demo by clicking on the link below:

This new tool was just completed, and those
who tested it have ALL seen amazing

One marketer named Mike saw an instant 325%
increase in his opt-ins.

Another made an extra $800 on the first day
of implementing it.

Yet another well-known marketer added over
20,000 subscribers to his list.

Get the details at:

This is the most powerful tool I've seen in a
long time, and you won't believe how easy it
is to add it to your site!

In a matter of minutes you can start GRABBING
"wasted" web traffic and turning it into
sales and leads!

I'm going to be implementing this incredible
tool right away, and I recommend you do the
same. Grab it here:

I do suggest getting it right now today,
because the price is about to go up by 40%.

Your results are guaranteed, so I'd day
you've got nothing to lose :-)

To your success!

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

Want To Make Some Extra Cash? Why Not Promote Us?
Sign Up As An Affiliate With Us! (It's FREE)

Make Money Online With GatherSuccess

Your Online Social Bookmarking Tool

Got A Question? Submit Your Ticket At

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and resources on how to be a successful internet
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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

GS:Affiliate, I Liked To Put Your Link On My Blog

Hi Affiliate,

If you are new to this link love exercise
let me explain how it works. All you
need to do is to add a anchor text link
"make money online" and link it to my
blog @

And what I would do every month during
my link love exercise I will post up your
link on my blog!

To take part or find out more, please read
the blog post below and comment in there

It's free to take part and you get a chance
to get a link back to your blog all for FREE :)

Alvin Phang

P.S: Thanks to those who took part!

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Affiliate, Get 10 Books For The Price Of One!

Hi Affiliate,

Just recently I have been surfing around
the internet and stumbled upon a lady marketer
who is doing very well online.

And one thing that caught my attention to Holly
Mann's Honest Riches guide was she is a woman!
I have been in this business for almost 3 years
and you hardly see many woman marketer that successful
and Holly is one of them.

As a single mom, she worked her way up the ladder and
made her first $12,000.00 USD in profits in just a few
months. You can check out her great story at the
link below:

On top of that, she just released the new 2009 version
of her guide and you get 10 books for the price
of one! I got a copy myself and it's great deal
Affiliate :)

Alright I got to go now for my breakfast, see
you around Affiliate. Enjoy the guide :)

Alvin Phang

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receiving this email because you have subscribe
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Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

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