Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Affiliate, Mass-Submit Your Articles In Less Than 5 Minutes...

Hi Affiliate,

Have you heard or use article marketing to drive
traffic to your site before?

It is a good promotional tool to drive free and
targeted traffic to your sites. In fact, many top
internet marketers are still relying on article
marketing to get their customers, and you should
too (if you're not).

However, the trouble is that article marketing is
a time-consuming traffic generation method - it
takes time to Write an article and it takes time
to promote it.

With that said, many struggling internet marketers
I know have given up on it.

What I've told you is true but it doesn't have to
be that way for you. Here's why...

Recently, I came across this revolutionary article
submission tool, ArticleSubmitAuto, that claims
to be able to submit your articles to the
high-ranking trafficked sites automatically in
just less than 5 minutes.

=> http://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62a&lc=oEvX&mc=3&s=i0ZuY&y=E&

And among the list of article sites, I was shocked
to see EzineArticles.com, IdeaMarketers.com,
SearchWarp.com and a lot more other authority
article sites up there.

But what really got me was the article spinning
function which promised me a unique article to the
different article sites to further increase
the number of backlinks to my site.

I was sceptic. After all, it was my first time
hearing an article submission software submitting
articles to such high traffic article sites.

Seeing that it is backed by a strong money-back
guarantee, I went ahead to give it a shot and
here's what I discovered...

It just took 30 seconds or less to send my article
submissions on Dominic's site, and it gets
distributed to the highly ranked article sites
like EzineArticles in just 5 minutes or less.

ArticleSubmitAuto has made a believer out of
me - that article submission can be so quick, easy
and convenient!

Visit the link below to see the video of Article
Submit Auto in action!

=> http://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62a&lc=oEvX&mc=3&s=i0ZuY&y=E&

Ever since, I've written and submitted more

Every time I see how convenient and easy it is to
submit an article through ArticleSubmitAuto, I
get so much satisfaction I just get motivated to
write another one!

The great thing is this tool is also available to

If you want more traffic using article marketing
in a shorter time, then I urge you to get more
free information now.

=> http://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62a&lc=oEvX&mc=3&s=i0ZuY&y=E&

To Your Success,
Alvin Phang

P.S. - Don't take my word for it. Check out the
video showing Article Submit in action and give
it a test. You too will be dazzled by it's fast
and excellent results!

=> http://getresponse.com/click.html?x=a62a&lc=oEvX&mc=3&s=i0ZuY&y=E&

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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Affiliate, New Video Trailer Just Uploaded

Hi Affiliate,

If you are do Twitter you seriously want
to check out my beta prelaunch of
"TwitterOnlineSystem" Why?

Well for one good reason it's free currently
for you to test it before I officially launch
it on 9th June 2009 10am EST.

I also uploaded a new video trailer on the website
check it out @ the link below:


Also if you are into Twitter, I just got this
great powerful Twitter tool and it increased
my Twitter followers by 300 in 1 day :P

Check it out @

You can also check out the review @ the blog post

Alvin Phang

A publication of GatherSuccess.com
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

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Singapore 069113
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Affiliate, Here's A Great New Concept To Make Money Online...

Hi Affiliate,

Wanna find out how to make quick cash in
3 different hot markets at the same time
Without any competition?

=> http://bit.ly/wYrrg

Bad economy or not, it is up to you to decide
for yourself if you want to take advantage of the
situation or be taken advantage off.

It's all about positioning yourself.

It can even work for you If you have:

* No product

* No Website

* No Joint Venture partners

* No Affiliates

* No existing money in your Paypal account

It is still possible to rake in huge amounts of
Cash, just like what my two friends did.

And the best part is, you can now download their
step-by-step success blueprint right away and use
it right away:

=> http://bit.ly/wYrrg

Alvin Phang

P.S. These two mysterious guys which are my close
buddies , actually found a loop hole In these
billion dollar markets, while cleverly 'escaping'
the competition that is killing everyone.

If you want to create your own profitable market
without any competition, then go here and find
out how you can do it too.

=> http://bit.ly/wYrrg

A publication of GatherSuccess.com
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Monday, May 18, 2009

Affiliate, 37520 New Followers In 3 Days!

Hi Affiliate,

Since I launched the beta test for my new
product called "Twitter Online System",
we have generated well over 37,520 new followers
for the past 3 days only! I cant imagine what
would happen after 7 days :P

And it's growing like madness, check it out
@ the website below:


And here's the thing Affiliate, what
you see is just 1 part of what the system
can do for you.

As when the system launches full swing in June 2009
you will see much more features to come to
help you not only get more followers from
Twitter but also make money from it too!

I added new features to the site now, and
now it also comes with your own promo link.

Which means if you promo the site with
your promo link, there would be high chances
of even growing your followers WITHOUT the
need to follow anyone at all :)

More details @ my blog post below:


Happy Tweeting :)

Alvin Phang

A publication of GatherSuccess.com
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Affiliate, Check This Out... $5,760.21 In 5 Days!

Hi Affiliate,

I just got an email from James Sorelly and if you
have not heard of him before, check out his website
at the link below:


Here's what you will discover:

- How James Generate $5,760.21 in just 5 days…

- Learn how to get cheap traffic from Google AdWords /
Evoplus.com and boost your affiliate sales

- Drive traffic to your squidoo lens and make over $200 per
day on autopilot!

- Make $1.000 or more very quickly from your blog

And so much more

Just read all about these amazing techniques at the link below:


Well I´ve tried a few of the Affiliate Marketing techniques
myself and the results have blown me away …

I´ve read a few other Affiliate Marketing Techniques & Strategies
and to be honest … They don´t even come close to the Affiliate
Marketing 3.0 System by James Sorelly

James Sorelly´s incredible system goes step-by-step through
all the different methods making sure anyone can follow this
system to make more money as an affiliate.

Just click below to find out how you can start:


Take Care

Alvin Phang & Family

P.S. Don't worry about losing any money. James is guaranteeing
his systems and offering you your money back in full if you don't
have success within 60 days or you're not satisfied for any reason.

It's impossible for you to lose out!


A publication of GatherSuccess.com
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Friday, May 8, 2009

Affiliate, Follow Me & I Follow U On My New Twitter Profile!

Hi Affiliate,

In a couple of weeks from now I will
be launching a new product called
"Twitter Online System".

I am almost 80% completed as I am so excited
with the results I got from Twitter that I
decided to share it with you guys in this new
product of mine :)

Anyway Affiliate, I got a great gift for
you in the next couple of days I will posting
up tips on Twitter.

It will be a 4 part series on Twitter and the
1 part article series can be found at my blog
post below:


Also I just updated my Twitter and if you
follow me today @ my Twitter I will follow
you back @ my Twitter @


Happy Tweeting :)

Alvin Phang

P.S: If you can do tweet me on Twitter to let
me know what do you think about the new
profile image @

A publication of GatherSuccess.com
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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GS: Affiliate, F.REE Gifts Just For You!

Hi Affiliate,

I think you would love this site! Got
real tons of free stuff by simply going
to the URL below:


On top of that you also get my popular
"The Blogger Guide" at give away website below too!


Enjoy the free stuff :)

Alvin Phang

Alvin Phang

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
To unsubscribe or to change your contact details, visit:

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Affiliate, Here's A Big Tip To Make $1,000 In One Week!

Hi Affiliate,

Everyone on the internet is giving away huge
bonus for the "Mega Red Packet" just launched
a day ago.

Well I decided to do the opposite and that's
to show you how you can make $1,000 in one
week using "Mega Red Packet" :)

If you like to find out how? Read on more at my
blog post below the real crazy powerful tips that
no one talks about online ( because it's that good! )


More details about Mega Red Packet at the link below:

Alvin Phang

P.S: If you cannot afford it Affiliate, then
I dont recommend you get it. But if you can I recommend
you get it and do the actions tips found in the blog
article I wrote.


20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Monday, May 4, 2009

Affiliate, The Laziest and Fastest Path to Internet Marketing Success

Hi Affiliate,

I just spoken to 3 of my best buddies online
Vince, Edmund & Stephen and if you are lazy just
like me and want a quick success check out the
link below:


It's called the "Mega Red Package" & I have recently
got a sneak peak at it earlier and I seriously think
this will be a game changer for many people, and a
recession show stopper for many more.

Ever since late 2007, the media has been parroting
doom all over the world, "recession, recession, recession".

Jobs were lost. People get laid off. Business suffer.

But for a small group of elite "work from home" marketers
- including Vince Tan, Edmund Loh and Stephen Luc -
the recession is the least of their concern.

They have built for themselves a recession proof business
and for the first time ever, they are duplicating their
success to 1,000 other people through the Mega Red Packet
starting today and ends in 10 days!

I urge you to take a look at the great package @
the link below it will change your life Affiliate!


If you want to have your own string of proven, tried and
tested Internet Business all done for you without you
lifting a finger (literally) in the process and get all
the traffic that you want, this is something worth keeping
your eyes peeled for.


Warm Regards,
Alvin Phang

P.S. I'm letting you know this early because I want you
to be one of the 1,000 people to get in on this huge
Internet Marketing event and clone your success from
these marketing icons.

Vince, Edmund and Stephen have collectively made over a
million dollars online and have branded themselves out there.

This is an absolute recession show stopper and you will do
well to sign up to their Advanced Notification List now
so you can be in early when Mega Red Packet goes live:


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