Saturday, June 27, 2009

Affiliate, Listen To These 12 Millionaires...

Hi Affiliate,

When I first started marketing online since
2006. I was taught by my mentor that in order
for me to be successful I need to follow
what successful people do.

I did took that advice back then and to be
frank it totally changed my life ever since
I took that advice.

My great buddy Ian Del Carmen knows this
fact too and what he has done is he compiled
the 12 most successful millionaires online
and created "Rags To Dot Com Riches" to
help you achieve high level of success fast!

Featured in the Entrepreneur Magazine...
Ian has seriously gone from a nobody to
being of the fastest growing Internet Marketer

Check out his profile @ the link below:

He is so confident that this will work for you
it even has a 365 days money back guarantee
so there is no reason why you should not give
it a try!

Find out more the "Rags To Riches" @ the
link below:

Alvin Phang

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Affiliate, You Must Have This Tool... It Makes Money!

Hi Affiliate,

If you have been reading my blog
you will noticed a small little bar
right on the bottom of my blog.

That little script is called
"Ultimate Footer Ad" & I have installed
it recently and had 2.27% of my visitors
converted to leads and that's gold!

Check out the review for yourself
@ the link below:

They just released version 2.0
and because I really want you
to have this script I asked the
creator to give me a special
discount just for you Affiliate.

Here's the link for the $10 discount (Usual $47)
just ignore the $47 price tag on the website
@ the link below:

(Do note this link will expire on the
29th Jun, so you got to act fast)

Trust me, this is a must have tool for
any website or blog because it helps
you to get more customers online!

Get the script today before the special
link expires:

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Affiliate, I Am Going To Expose Some Secrets...

Hi Affiliate,

I made this quick just check out my
blog post below for more information
on what secret I am exposing:

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

Download The Complete IM Guide For $1 (Limited Copies)

Hi Affiliate,

My buddy Ian Del Carmen just released a
real killer complete Internet marketing
guide for only $1.

However do not let this price tag deceived
you as it's actually retailing for $47.

Because it's just launched today, Ian
decided to offer it for $1 for the 1st
few customers only!

Grab it while it still last @ the special
link below:

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Re: Free 68 Minute Video Showing You How To Get Traffic

Hey Affiliate,

I hope you managed to catch my earlier email yesterday
about this cool 68 minute video tutorial on how to get
traffic online!

Check it out at the link below:

Alvin Phang

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 6:04 AM, Alvin Phang <> wrote:

Hey Haah,

He put the video up for us, but just for today!

Whether you're new to internet marketing or you've been around a
long time . . . there's only ONE word that matters.


It don't mean squat if you have the best product in the world
because without traffic you're dead in the water. And you need
targeted traffic to get the best results.

That's where my buddy Chuck comes in.

He's *giving away* some killer content on how to generate a boatload
of targeted traffic to your offers. In fact, one of his students
had an increase of over 500% in just 2 days!

This is some amazing stuff.

Chuck reveals why almost everyone out there is losing money with
Pay Per Click advertising . . . and why most of the Ads they write

And . . . how you can turn it all around in about 5 minutes flat!

And a whole lot more!

You're going to learn how to instantly tap into his step by step
method for getting HUGE amounts of TRAFFIC to your website.

Don't miss out on this fre.e content. I don't know how long Chuck
is keeping this video up. There are a lot of "guru" types out
there who are jumping all over this.

Here's the link - get over there now.

Talk to you soon.

Alvin Phang

P.S. Targeted traffic is the lifeblood of EVERY successful
internet marketer. You'll kick yourself if you miss out on this
info. Here's the link again:

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Free 68 Minute Video Showing You How To Get Traffic

Hey Affiliate,

He put the video up for us, but just for today!

Whether you're new to internet marketing or you've been around a
long time . . . there's only ONE word that matters.


It don't mean squat if you have the best product in the world
because without traffic you're dead in the water. And you need
targeted traffic to get the best results.

That's where my buddy Chuck comes in.

He's *giving away* some killer content on how to generate a boatload
of targeted traffic to your offers. In fact, one of his students
had an increase of over 500% in just 2 days!

This is some amazing stuff.

Chuck reveals why almost everyone out there is losing money with
Pay Per Click advertising . . . and why most of the Ads they write

And . . . how you can turn it all around in about 5 minutes flat!

And a whole lot more!

You're going to learn how to instantly tap into his step by step
method for getting HUGE amounts of TRAFFIC to your website.

Don't miss out on this fre.e content. I don't know how long Chuck
is keeping this video up. There are a lot of "guru" types out
there who are jumping all over this.

Here's the link - get over there now.

Talk to you soon.

Alvin Phang

P.S. Targeted traffic is the lifeblood of EVERY successful
internet marketer. You'll kick yourself if you miss out on this
info. Here's the link again: AFFILIATE #]

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Monday, June 15, 2009

TOS: Quick Affiliate, Only 24 Hours Left Before The Price Goes Up!

Hi Affiliate,

If you have yet to get the Twitter Online System
now is the time! That's because in 24 hours time
I will increasing the price of the system.

Get your copy today before it sell out real soon
as there are only 65 copies left

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
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Sunday, June 14, 2009

Affiliate, Check This Out.. You Will Love It :)

Hi Affiliate,

Alvin Phang here.

How's it going?

Check this out..

I was invited to be part of this great JV with a TON of ebooks and software.

It is expected to get me about 5000 members in
just a few days. Who knows, maybe up to 10,000
new members.

The promotion will have over 200,000 visitors in
just a few days. So the exposure will be great.

The promoter, Ernie Caponetti & Reed Floren has asked me if I knew anyone that would want to participate in this venture...

Since I know YOU also have a site that could work
with this, you were one of the first people I thought

I think you will really like what they are doing here
and I know you will jump on board like I did ASAP.

To get the "by Invite Only" private JV details, just
go here.
Contributor Invite Code:SomeRandomCodeHere

There is only a few days to get involved.


Alvin Phang

They made it so easy. It's all dynamic. You set the
text and logo's yourself it it is automatically and
instantly added to the sales pages and members

Your Affiliate Center Details:

Here are your login details:

User ID: [[custom_nick]]
Password : [[custom_passwd]]

Your Affiliate Links:


20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Affiliate, What Do You Tweet About?

Hi Affiliate,

I know there are millions of Twitter users online
and I was wondering what do you Tweet about online

Submit your entries and replies by clicking on the
link below:

And submit your replies and entries in the blog post.

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

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receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Affiliate, Twitter Online System Is Live!

Hey Affiliate,

The Twitter Online System just went live and it's already selling
like hot cakes & had generate a whopping 230,000 new followers
even before it was launched!


As promised I would like to make this system affordable for
everyone so here's what I am going to do.

For the 1st 500 copies sold only you can get the entire system
for a super low entry price. Just head on to the link below
to find out the early bird special launch sale


Heavily raved by many established Gurus and tested by thousands of
users online this system is easy to implement and only takes less
then 1 hour to setup!


Here's a fews things you will discover:

- How Alvin Increases His Twitter Followers By 400% In Just Days!

- The Biggest Mistake Made By 99% Of Twitter Users That Professional
Twitter Users Do Not Want You To Know

- Discover The Incredible Tool That Helped Generate A Whopping
230,000 New Followers Online!

- Finally Revealed: The Secrets To Building A Twitter Empire That
Earns Over US$100,000 Per Year

- Automate Your Content Creation And Followers In Twitter!

- And So Much More...


If you are currently using Twitter, the Twitter Online System is by
far the easiest system you will discover that will produce powerful
results in the shortest time ever!

Get your copy today at the link below:



Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Affiliate, 22 Hours More To Go...

Hey Affiliate,

I just back from Penang and uploaded lots of
photos from the trip you can check it out @
my blog below

By the way just to let you know Affiliate,
I will be launching the Twitter Online System
in 22 hours time on the 9th Jun 2009 at 10AM EST.

I highly recommend you keep that time available as
there will be a early bird special price for the 1st
500 buyers only so do remember to bookmark the page
and check it out later @ the link below:

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

Other useful resources:

The Complete Blogging Guide

Want To Make Some Extra Cash? Why Not Promote Us?
Sign Up As An Affiliate With Us! (It's FREE)

Make Money Online With GatherSuccess

Your Online Social Bookmarking Tool

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20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Affiliate, Amazing Keyword Software That Find Hot Markets Fast...

Hi Affiliate,

I've just come across an incredible new keyword
software called Keyword Research Pro.

Whether you are internet marketing beginner or
seasoned pro, I highly recommend you check out
this amazing keyword software.

The good news is you can save $20 off the purchase
of Keyword Research Pro, if you act fast!

Use coupon code: 20off

There's a video demo on the home page that explains
it all:


Alvin Phang

P.S. Remember to use coupon code: 20off
to save $20 off the normal price!

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