Thursday, July 30, 2009

Affiliate, I Just Turn 27 Today!

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Hi Affiliate,

To celebrate my 27th birthday I like to
offer you a special discount to my
Atomic Blogging 3.0 package just for you

Check out the special offer @ the link below:

I actually just got back from a 8 days Hong
Kong trip and also took some photos during
the trip.

Thought I like to share them with you
Affiliate, just click on the blog post
below to check out the photos

Alvin Phang

A publication of
Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House, Singapore, Singapore 069113, Singapore

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Affiliate Do You Tweet?

Hi Affiliate,

I found an interested website about Twitter I
though you may like it.

Check it at the link below:

Alvin Phang

, 20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House, Singapore, Singapore 069113, Singapore

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Affiliate, Special Gift For You ($37 Value)

Hi Affiliate,

I got a special gift just from Jason Parker
check it out at the link below:

Please do not share this page.


Alvin Phang

, 20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House, Singapore, Singapore 069113, Singapore

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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Affiliate, F.REE Traffic Report Download It Today...

Hi Affiliate,

I just write this cool report from Fabian Tan
and I thought you may want this report useful too :)

It's free just click on the link below to
get the report :)

Alvin Phang

, 20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House, Singapore, Singapore 069113, Singapore

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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Great News Affiliate Get A Autoresponder For F.REE...

Hi Affiliate,

Yep you read it right! Getresponse just realized a new version
of their autoresponder and they are giving it away for FREE.

Check it out @ the link below:

Alvin Phang

20 Maxwell Road #09-17, Maxwell House
Singapore 069113

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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Download These Valuable Gifts At No Cost And Celebrate Your Independence!

Hi Affiliate,

It's Independence day - the 4th of July.

For many, it is a day of celebration - the celebration of freedom.

Whether you are an American or not, it doesn't matter... all that
matters is the fact that freedom is NOT f'ree and it is very precious.

But freedom from what exactly?

You see, as Internet marketers and home business owners, it is
important for us to remember why we are in it for the first place.
We all want freedom from something. Be it:

- Freedom from your oppressive BOSS or your J.O.B.s (which
stands for just over broke!)
- Freedom from financial constraints... imagine never having to
worry about paying your bills ever again!
- Freedom from a life filled with drudgery. Everyone wants to be
in control, right?
- Or simply the freedom to do anything you want, anytime you
want because you have a successful home business!

Whatever your reasons may be, it's time to celebrate it, or if
you haven't accomplished it, it is time to go for it at full speed!

That is why, this Independence Day, the 'Fusionology Duo' -
Jaz Lai, Khai and their group of experienced marketing friends
has come together to bring you - Independence: F'ree Gifts!

This event is totally F'ree to join and we are celebrating it by
giving away tons of f'ree gifts!

Click here to claim your f'ree gifts now!


Independence: F'ree Gifts is a collaboration which contains
dozens of valuable Internet marketing tools for your home

Here's what you'll find inside. You'll get:

- E-Books
- Special Reports
- Audio
- Videos
- Membership Passes
- Graphics
- Resell Rights
- Private Label Rights.
- And Many More!

All at NO COST!


But bear in mind, this celebration won't last forever. It will
only be up for a few days and once time is up, these gifts
will be taken down forever.

So hurry on and grab your prime favorites right away
and join us in this glorious celebration of independence
and freedom!

Talk soon,

Alvin Phang

P.S. The marketers who are hosting this event has combined
many years of marketing experience by giving away their
best tools and you can download them at absolutely no cost.

It won't be up forever so hurry on and grab these gifts before
it is too late and you will have to wait another year.


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Copyright (c) 2009. All Rights Reserved.

This email is never sent without permission. You're
receiving this email because you have subscribe
to one of my websites.

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Singapore 069113
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