Monday, December 22, 2008

Affiliate, Your 7-Day FULL ACCESS Trial of Membership Wholesaler Inside

Hi [firstname]!

If you haven't joined Membership Wholesaler yet
where you can get 2 niche membership sites to
resell for full recurring profits, you're missing a lot!

I just a copy myself and to be real honest with you
this offer is a no brainier as I got a copy myself
and he included additional 13 memberships as a bonus!

So to help you decide if this is for you, here's
a 7-Day FULL ACCESS trial so you can take a
real-world tour on what's inside and if you finally
realize it's for you, you can continue to keep your
license after 7 days…

You may cancel anytime after 7 days which I'm
sure you won't do once you see the profitability
of having your own continuity program in a box!

Here's your 7-day FULL ACCESS trial again…


To your success,

Alvin Phang

PS: This trial access is for the first 30 people only
then it's gone.. and last time I check there are
only 8 left!

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